on a voyage from November 17, 1838 to January 13, 1842

     Although the list of topics of interest includes Whalers (Persons), Seafaring life, Whales, Voyages and travels, it makes no mention of anything related to Third Mate Stephen B. Fisher, sadly, another example of the stand out behavior that makes the record while any other crew member’s activities go unnoticed as most routine things do. In this case, Captain Sanford Wilber had to juggle sexual harassment, pedophilia, a knife, the man with it threatening the rest of the crew, and the impact of this on his ship calling for the most expedient and effective way to end a problem.

"Saturday 7th 

Commences with Brisk breeses

from the Southard Standing to the Eastward

with all sail out this day The boy

James Chase reported to me that the third 

officer Mr. Fisher had conducted himself 

very strangely the night before &  he 

requested me to let him exchange watches 

I told him to keep in his watch and if

he Discovered & trying again to let me

know it at 11 PM he came down from

the helm and informed me what he had Done

& his conduct toward him was as it

had been a number of times before such

as trying to kiss him & caress him he told 

him to let him alone but he still pursisted

he then saw him take something out of his 

pocket & herd it open and he supposed it

to be a raiser then he [?]  the

boy & wants him to do something for him

the boys reply was that he was steering 

the ship the boy discovered spun yarn a

round hs necklaces he did the night before

the boy then saw him go over th stren

as he did the night before the boy then

left the helm & came to inform me

I immediately together with the Master 

went on deck & found Mr Fisher sitting

on a plank facing left. I spoke to him

he immediately left 

It was Squaly at the time 

press of sail but by this time the cabin

was alarmed & all hands turnd but as we

all could not account for his conduck

whether he ment to take his life or the boys

or to frighten the boy into some heinous

crime I then left the deck dressed my self

and was on the watch  I then went on deck

& slept until the boy left the helm satisfied

in my own mind that their was something

serious mean betwixt him and the boy by

this time the watch was all alarmed I then

went below again when

the boy came running down the second time

very much frightened & told me that mister

Fisher had his raizor out on the deck the boy

stated that he cauld him down of  the night

[?] where he was stationed for the purpose

of looking [?] as that was  his look

The boy came aft & asked him what he wanted

he then began to caress as he had done

before the boy requested to be let alone & went

forward again he, mr Fisher then cauld him aft

again the boy told him it was his look but he 

then told the boy to come down he need not

stay their and cauld him to him he as then

standing abrest of the main rigging the boy

then saw him turn back & take out as

We suppose the raizor the boy then ran

from the goblin & Mr. Fisher after him & give

the alarm we then all turndour & I ordered

the master to call him down he came down

in the cabin I then spoke to him & asked

him what he ment by his conduck towards the boy 

he Denied Ever charge & sad the hole

was a damned ly & then started for the deck

I ordered him to stop 3 times but he positively

refused then I ordered the officers to

Stop him by force he strugled to git clear & swore

that He would kill somebody then I thought 

it my duty to secure him and accordingly

had him put in irons with a guard over him

my officer and cabin company than one

and all protested a gainst him & his

conduck and wished for me to keep him in

clost confinement & put him on shore

as fast as possible which it is my intention 

to do. Middle and latter part squally so

ends Standing to the Eastward saw finbacks 

& poposes.

I have found my concerning with the boy

to day that Mr. Fishers conduck at times

For this last 2 months has been very strange

And it is not the first time that he has

Neglected the duty of the ship in his conduct

Last night was such as an officer that I

Don’t think him trustworthy on bord of

The ship wether as officer or sailor

I have further found out by his own confession

That he had a raizor on deck & tat when

I ordered him cauld down he threw it overbord”

Mr Fisher is not mentioned in the entries for the next 8 days, so, unlike in the case of Antoine Manuel, we do not know if and how Mr. Fisher confined for that whole time. He was put in irons on the above occasion, and with the crew not happy with an unstable person roaming around a ship, without saying anything, it can be assumed he stayed in irons.


"Sunday September 15th Commences with 

Moderate trades standing in for Tombez

At 6 PM took the irons off the third mate

Put him on shore at Tombez Point at

Half past six came to anchor found 4

Ships lying their”

The rest of the log entry lists the provisions picked up while at anchor and mentions one man deserting.

The voyage continued without Fisher and there were no further complaints from James Chase, the cabin boy.

Of interest would be any further voyages upon which Mr. Fisher sailed to see if there are any notations in those logs relating to Mr.  Fisher's continued or abandoned behaviors